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I make toys for kids who don't want to grow up. I'm on the lookout for new projects. If you're interested in commissioning me to build something ridiculous, shoot me an email.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Goofy Project #5049 Continues at Breakneck Pace

Shortly after I last wrote about Goofy Project #5049, I finished assembling a couple of these:
Booth Build17
Luckily I managed to avoid getting any blood on them.

In addition to adding some handy horizontal work space, these new assemblies made for a great place to design the next portion of Goofy Project #5049:
Booth Building17

With the poorly rendered, slipshod thumbnail sketch established for guidance, I promptly began building right on top of it:
Booth Building18

By the end of the day, I had achieved this:
Booth Building19
Making the workshop look like the beginnings of a low-budget reenactment of 2001: A Space Oddysey.

For the first vital detail to be added to Goofy Project #5049, I cobbled together this little masterpiece kludge of prop engineering:
Booth Building21

The following day, it was clear that Goofy Project #5049 was starting to take up too much space.  So I decided it was time to unstack everything and move it outside so I could get started on the next phase:
Booth Building22

The next phase needs black grating:
Booth 006

Here's me and Matt screwing:
Booth 020

Matt was pleased:
Booth 034

Somewhere along the way, I've also started to stack up some of the smaller parts:
Booth Building20

Stay tuned for more news and pictures of Goofy Project #5049.  I promise it will all make sense soon...


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